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Writing baby shower thank you notes seem easy. However, with a million things to do as well as pregnant women, the biggest challenge is finding the time. Work itself (pardon the pun) for sending and writing all the baby shower thank you notes can be overwhelming.
Ideally, everyone will get a hand thank you gift for your child. However, if you simply do not have time to write to everyone, there is a loophole. Formal etiquette for gift thank you notes is that the card is not required in cases where the donor was present to open a gift and received a thank you in person.
Use this as a decent cleavage if you're short on time.
you need help. Delegate. When someone asks: "Is there anything I can do?" You say, "Yes." If no one in particular has offered to help, ask. Everyone wants to help the most important person in the word - and that you are pregnant mom. Assemble a team of his biggest fans.
If a task is too much, and then delegate this task to a few people. You may have friends or family members to help by doing some or all of the following:
1) If you do not have them, but someone on the team mom to choose and buy a baby shower thank you notes, or some cute stationary series.
2) you will need a stamp. Send someone to mail them or deliver them to you.
3) Put the stamps on the envelopes. In fact, if a person is declining brand, comes in for coffee. Ta-Dah! You have the perfect coffee during the task.
4) Make a list of current addresses via group E-mail or calling people over the phone.
5) Address your baby shower thank you card envelopes. Once again, if someone else do the number four for you or with you, there is a shot that when people come over to give you a list you can make coffee thing again and have her help.
6) Bonus delegation task - Put DAD be responsible for writing thank you notes, and two of them to sign up. Convenient explanations: My knuckles are sore and swollen. He wants to be an active father.
you can complete your baby shower thank you cards without setting aside the whole morning or day. What mom or mom-to-be is so much free time? Use these simple steps:
1) Address and stamp all the envelopes in advance. (See above)
2) Write the flip-side of the gift tag for each present a nice comment about the gift. Alternatively, if you threw all the tags, you can just put a note in each envelope to say who sent what and something nice about him. (Ex. Carol-stork diaper basket-cute sailor hat on stork) This ensures that you do not have to waste time looking up the correct spelling of the donor's name or struggle to remember who gave you what.
3) Place the labeled gift tags or notes in the appropriate envelope.
4) Print a thank you note template or pattern in mind that your card like those found at.
5) Carry a few envelopes and blank cards with them. When waiting for the next medical examination, fill out a few. Other good times for this are, waiting for food in the restaurant, the washing cycle, you can not sleep, and during commercials (instead of maintaining a fast forward button on the TiVo). The great thing about doing a few or just one at a time is to keep the manuscript Valid.
6) Drop your completed card to the nearest mailbox immediately. Do not wait for them to mail from home, all at once. Just put them in the mail. That way you'll have to hurry up and finish the rest soon, and your stack will be smaller. You can delegate this task, but some people tend to "forget". Make sure that someone reliable.